Aimee Semple McPherson Hutton

9/10/1890 - 27/9/1944


Salvation Army Begins to move into Canada
??/10/1886 Mildred (Minnie) Ona Pearce marries James Kennedy
09/10/1890 Aimee Kennedy Born
??/12/1907 Pentecostal Mission comes to town. Aimee Baptised in the Spirit
??/02/1908 Minnie won over to the Pentecostals
12/08/08 Aimee Marries Robert Semple
end 1909 Call to China
06/01/10 Begins journey to China via England
01/06/10 Arrive in Hong Kong
19/08/1910 Robert dies
17/09/1910 Birth of Roberta Semple
??/11/1910 Sails for San Francisco
mid 1911 Meets Harold Stewart McPherson
05/12/12 Married to Harold McPherson
23/03/1913 Rolf McPherson born
mid 1913 Sickness and reconsecration
??/06/1915 Left Harold to take up ministry. Harold joins her and is Baptised in the Spirit. Itinerating
early 1918 Harold strikes out on his own with no success. Harold returns to full time employment. Minnie joins Aimee
??/10/1918 Begin journey to California
??/04/1919 Becomes Assembly of God Evangelist
??/??/1921 Divorce from Harold
17/07/1921 Four Square Legend
??/06/1921 Announces Angelus Temple in Bridal Call
26/09/1921 Articles for Echo Park
01/01/22 AOGs rumble about property - Aimee breaks association.
??/08/1922 Australian Visit
01/01/23 Opens Angelus Temple
06/02/24 Started Radio Broadcasting
18/05/1926 Kidnapping???
23/06/1926 Returned
??/02/1927 New York Crusade Roberta Semple mad Vice President of Echo Park
??/05/1931 Selects David Hutton to sing in "Iron Furnace"
13/09/1931 Secret/quiet marriage to David Hutton
15/09/1931 Hazel (Myrtle) St Pierre sues David Hutton for breach of promise.
??/01/1933 Europe tour
fall 1933 Attempts Vaudeville to raise money for Angelus Fails and itinerates again
01/03/34 Divorce from Hutton
??/??/1934 Rheba Crawford signed on to fill pulpit while Aimee itinerates.
??/09/1936 Rheba Crawford fired by Knight.
??/??/1936 Giles Knight appointed as Assistant Business manager of Angelus
31/12/1938 Angelus out of debt largely due to Knights aggressive fundraising
27/09/1944 Aimee dies due to accidental Barbiturate overdose
09/10/44 Aimee lays in state in Angelus Temple